Send your children to school daily and on time. Itโs the law!
Ensure your child has eaten a wholesome breakfast before the start of school day or take advantage of the healthy breakfast
available in the cafeteria every day.Check for and read school notices daily.
Fill out forms and return them promptly.
Attend PTA meetings and visit the school regularly.
Role model respect, responsibility and readiness when on the school campus. If you have a concern or a question, come to
the main office so that we can direct you to the appropriate staff member.Inform us of any changes in address, telephone number or emergency contact person. Be sure that you have filled out an
emergency contact card with all up-to-date information as well.
Monitor your childโs daily work. See that your child does his/her homework and help them to meet due dates. Pay attention
to the teacherโs methods and pacing.
Make an appointment to talk to your childโs teacher. Their teacher can give you details about your childโs progress and
highlight what your child still needs to learn this year.After meeting with the teacher, talk to your child about setting goals for the rest of the year. Review expectations for
homework, class participation and general school policies.Find out what kinds of extra academic supports are available in our school. Reach out to Parent Coordinator, Janie Sanders,
or Community School Director, Alex Teitel, to investigate tutoring or other services in your neighborhood.
Arrange an appointment with your childโs teacher. Usually the concern can be resolved in this conference.
If concerns still exist, request a conference with the parent coordinator, Janie Sanders at extension 1151 or 347.563.4258. Give your name, your childโs name, the reason for your concern and the outcome of your discussion with the teacher. If the Parent Coordinator is not available to speak with you at the time, your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Contact the teacher for an appointment to try to settle the problem.
If this is not successful, contact the Special Education Liaison, Mrs. Warren-Rouse, if you need additional assistance.
For problems regarding transportation, contact our Pupil Personnel Department Head, Mrs Warren at 718.495.7791 ext 3111.
There are several teams that parents can join at our school. The first is the Parent Association. The Parent Association meets monthly to plan special events for families and students to attend, celebrations of students achievement and support the school in a variety of other ways. For more information, see below.
The second team is the Community School Team, which is specifically aimed at building community, supporting health and wellness in our building, bringing in partnerships and planning special community events. Please look out for invitation to our monthly meetings. To learn more, reach out to Alex Teitel, Community School Director.
Lastly, there are various volunteer opportunities available to parents. From volunteering in a classroom on a weekly basis to attending a field trip to working an event, we welcome your partnership in making this a successful year at GJS! For more information, reach out to Janie Sanders, Parent Coordinator.
We host parent workshops on a regular basis in the Tigers Den with a specific focus on how to support your studentsโ learning at home as well as continuing general education. If there are any topics you are particularly interested in learning about or a workshop you are interesting in teaching yourself, please reach out to Ms. Janie Sanders, Parent Coordinator.
Also be sure to look out for invitations to special arts-based family nights, as well as awards shows and performances. We look forward to seeing you at the school frequently!